Saturday, 29 December 2007

Chatman Rewritten

On the OG forums lurks a dark and sinister being of pure evil. Legends say he's made out of Foxes Mints, other legends say that he's a right tit and everyone else says "Who the hell is he?"

This evil force is Ben Chatman. On the OG forum, a member called Sparacus "wrote" a sypnosis for a Doctor Who series four, and he made Ben Chatham a companion. He made up Chatham and fell in love with him, giving him his own spin off series. On problem, the stories are crap! They aren't even stories, they're syponsis' of stories.

The only problem is that the fundamental stuff in Sparacus' stories are good. His themes have the possibility to make good stories, but unfortunately his crap plots and unlikable characters (the only character I actually like is Ben's own companion Kyle) mean that the central focus and possibilites are lost in the utter crapness. They're like 7th Doctor stories, the original idea is very good nut it doesn't come out in translation.

So I've decided to rewrite some Ben Chatham episodes, to get Sparacus' original stories and re-do them in a) feature length serials other than the synopsis' and b) entertaining stories.

I'm not claiming that my stories are actually any good, but what I'm aiming to do is improve upon the orginal stories and make them half resemble a good story. Some of these stories are easy to make good (Nemesis, which is a good idea done crapply) and some will be almost impossible to do (Attack of the Zombie Teenagers, which is the worst, borderline racist against teenagers, piece of shit I've ever read in my live)

A hope you like the stories, if you do don't forget to make a comment.

Coming up soon is the omnibus edition of Nemesis.

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